Saturday, August 05, 2006

Sherwood Forest

Just in case you were wondering if the sun did come out in Sherwood Forest...

We set off for a walk…then it started raining…and we lost the path…well, not quite, we just started following robin hood way (a walk across Nottinghamshire I think!)…when we were 4 miles into the 3 mile circular walk and at a crossroads, I rang the visitors centre and said ‘where the hell are we and should we go back on ourselves?’ The park ranger chuckled and said ‘I would’. The rain had now been fairly steadily p'ing down for a couple of hours so by the time we got back to the car we were DRENCHED! Not only that but we were muddy cos we’d been walking in the woods, I hadn’t taken a change of trousers (didn’t think I’d need them – I was only staying overnight). Katie put a wash on, and I dried my jeans…while she realized that our mucky clothes had made the rest of her washing dirty so put them on again. The following morning I realized I’d dried her jeans, not mine…and my shoes were still wet.

This is the second outing with a friend recently that involved me being comprehensively soaked by some bodes ill for an outdoor performance of Romeo and Juliet tonight!



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