Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Get your house in order

What is the government not doing? What are our world leader's not doing? What is your local government not doing? What would you do if you had the power to change something locally, nationally, internationally?

I've noticed over the last week how easy it is for people to get into a rant about those in power - whether it be over council tax, global warming or the war(s) in the middle east. The curious thing to me is how we sit in our glass houses and throw stones! It is very easy to criticise other people for what they are doing wrong, or not doing - how about if we all stopped talking about it, and did something instead?

I have a slightly different view of government - I believe they are a collective of people who are doing their best to do what they think is best - against a tide of criticism, beurocracy (if anyone knows how to spell that by the way, let me know - reminded me of the irony of how you look up a word you don't know how to spell!!), apathy and tradition. This doesn't mean that what they think is best actually is best, or that they succeed. Or that there isn't corruption, bad management and power-hungry maniacs in power.

I admire anyone who becomes a politician (at least in the UK - I have a very different view on other governments of the world) - why would you want to put yourself in such a position? Money? You couldn't pay me enough! Power? Arguably the commercial giants have more power! The desire to change things? Maybe that's it...and that's why I admire them. I don't necessarily agree with them though.

And here's where individual power comes in. If you disagree with what is going on in your company, suburb, city, country, continent, world - what are you doing about it? I know there is more I can do about the environment - I do a bit, but it's nowhere near enough. Ok, I can't change local policy about council tax ...or can I? I don't know enough about it to say that - maybe I could speak to someone about it? I could definitely get my finances in order so I don't need to worry about it.

As for the war - ok, I can't stop it alone. But I can be peaceful and loving toward the world. Might sound like a minor thing, but imagine if millions did it? Imagine if billions of people were peaceful and loving? There would be no war! Idealistic? Simplistic? Well, my friend, the world I am working towards is an idealistic kind of place - would you prefer that I picked up a kalishnikov?

So, what can you do? Today? Right now? Look at the things you get angry and animated about and make sure that you are doing everything within your power to sort it out. Who knows...you might even be the catalyst for it catching on - imagine being the inspiration for millions, nay, billions...



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