Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Getting away from it all

There are times when all you need is to get away from it all.

Today for me is one of those days - I have booked a day out to go walking in Sherwood Forest. Sadly the weather is not yet co-operating with my fantasy of a walk in the shady woods on a sunny day, but I am an optimist...the sun will come out later!

I am really looking forward to getting away from everything - much as I love my life, a day away from it all is very appealing! It is something that so many of us do only on holiday...and then wonder why we are so tired we can't enjoy the holiday and why we feel such fatigue at coming back to 'real' life. If we took time out more often to get away and rest our weary minds, perhaps we would have more energy for everyday life and to enjoy the holidays when they come?

So, when was the last time that you got away from it all? And when is the next time? Can you get away sooner?



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