Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The patience of a Saint...not

Hi there folks!

How's it hanging? Hope you are having a happy Wednesday. I am patiently waiting for 5.15 to arrive, when I can phone the garage and (hopefully) pick up my lovely car which is having a service and MOT as we speak. As I haven't had any phone calls to say 'you need a new and expensive part' I am assuming all is going well!

My trouble is, I am not good at waiting. Not good at all. There are a hundred things I 'could' be getting on with in the next half an hour. However. I have a little internal switch that says 'no point starting that now' instead of being productive, I am pottering around the internet and basically wasting time!

I know I am planning to live a long time, but spending hours doing nothing but waiting seems an awful waste. What if it was perfect that I did that? Well actually while pottering, I signed up to an affiliate program for the science of getting rich - something I am studying at the moment to help get me wealthy! (see details below if you're interested) And as well as pottering, I also had a bit of a tidy round & I can see my desk again! AND I have just written this entry.

So perhaps it is perfect that I am 'just pottering' - perhaps without even realising it, I am getting a lot done!



Download The Science of Getting Rich free!

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