Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Live in a more interesting world

Anyone who is interested in spiritual issues, in personal growth and excellence, in physical and mental therapies will know that there is a whole new world out there - full of wierd and wonderful people. They will also know that the 'mainstream' views this world with suspicion at best, and violent rejection at worst! They will also probably have had someone ask them if they are mad, on drugs or on the wind up.

What do you do? Do you reject the new ideas that you hear out of hand? Or do you give them a chance? There are some things I don't believe in (9-5 working hours for a start), but most things I will at least keep an open mind about. Once upon a time, when I was wearing my cynical, negative hat, I would have agreed that a lot of these 'wierdo' things were absolute rubbish, peddled to the gullible with more money than sense.

However, I have seen a lot of things I cannot explain over the past 10 years, I have met some really interesting people, and I have felt a connection to a much deeper truth than a cynic could ever 'prove'. My attitude to 'God' sums this up - I have no idea if God is a man or a woman (I suspect that such descriptions are irrelevant), I don't know if there is a heaven, I haven't a scooby where we go when we die...but I believe in God, Heaven and reincarnation.

Some might think I'm barmy. I don't care. Now I'm a believer (in many more things than God), I feel a million times better than I ever did when I believed in nothing. I'm not asking that you believe what I believe (get your own beliefs!), but how about keeping an open mind? Next time you're tempted to 'dis' something as too far out...keep an open mind - at worst, us 'wierdo's live in a FAR more interesting world than the cynic!



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