Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The only certain thing is uncertainty

This post follows on (in a way) from yesterday's post about keeping an open mind to an interesting life. I was reading a book this morning in which one of the characters in the book said "There is no such thing as positive" in response to the question "Are you positive?".

Think about this for a moment - there is no such thing as positive. Being 'positive' in this instance refers to being certain about something. Now, I am as stubborn as the next ass, and I am very often 'certain' - that I am right, that others are wrong, that the world should be exactly as I say it should be. The trouble is that I am also a changing, growing being.

So, sometimes, a thing that I announce with is 'right' absolute certainty on one day becomes 'wrong' the next! When I have announced that 'this is the worst thing that could happen to me', most of the time it is actually the very best thing that could happen! If this is true, that there is no such thing as positive, what are you being stubborn about that might prove to be wrong? What are you insisting is 'right' when you can't possibly know?

When you realise that the only certainty is uncertainty, you stop getting stressed about the uncertain nature of life. Embrace the chaos!



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