Monday, March 19, 2007

OnTheBeach - the Time is Now

Just in case you missed my newsletter OnTheBeach this week...

Welcome back to another edition of ‘OnTheBeach’ – the newsletter that awakens your purpose, passion and joy. This week I have been inspired by Lindsay Lapham of Lindsay did a fantastic reading for me which has really shaken some dust out of the corners of my business, and reminded me of a key part of my business ethos…

The Time Is Now
Here’s a few key words and phrases that have leapt out on me from the reading – feisty, unique, rebel, jagged edges, a catalyst, no hiding places, controversial. How do you feel reading those words? Scared? Identifying with them? I am ringing like a bell – resonating on a very deep level with this. It’s who I am. As Lindsay put it, I am ‘the cat among the pigeons’.

This had quite a massive impact on me this week because it resonated so deeply and because sometimes I don’t really own this part of me and my business. No one works with a coach to help them stay in a rut and miserable. They work with a coach because they are ready for change – they want to become more themselves, expose their magnificence, gain confidence and clarity and have support in becoming the absolute best they can be.

This can be a wonderfully nurturing experience – it is a beautiful thing to know that someone believes in you and supports you 100%. And it can also be bloody uncomfortable! Because your coach is not going to let you ‘get away with’ being less than you are. Your coach is going to expect and demand you step up and ‘be’ as much as you can be in any moment. And that can be really scary.

Most of the time in this newsletter, I am a bit ‘fluffier’ – I aim to educate, coax, entertain and draw you forward gently and steadily. Today I’m not going to be fluffy, I am going to be blunt. You are worth more. You can be more than you are currently being. And what’s more, you know it. You know that there is something more of you that can be brought out and enjoyed by the world. You know that you are better than you are currently showing.

So what are you going to do about it? I am absolutely not asking you to ‘do more’, ‘work harder’, ‘push’, ‘strain’ or beat yourself up. I am asking you to do something that’s even harder than that! Acknowledge that there is more to you – that your light is being obscured (slightly or totally) by a bushel. And make the decision to start to honour the magnificent being that you are. You are responsible for your life. The time is now for you to step up and live it in the best way you can. Right now.

Something to play with
Do you believe that there is more to you than the life you are currently living shows? Acknowledge that you are an amazing being with so much more to give and DECIDE NOW to start honouring that being. Get support – from a coach, or a mastermind group, or books, or tinternet. And know that my intention for you is that you live your absolute best life with joy and passion. Starting now.

Final thoughts and Beach philosophy
For years, I knew that there was more to me than met the eye. But it was hidden under layers of low confidence and self esteem, limiting beliefs, self-heckling and a complete lack of awareness. Books, then travel, then coaches have helped me to find ‘the real me’ and to start bringing that Donna out from behind the bushel (dragging, in some cases!). I’m not all the way there yet – it’s a life long journey to bring my magnificence to light.

I am still being helped by coaches, books, mastermind groups, friends, spirit, life itself. And I am on the journey. It isn’t always an easy journey, but I wouldn’t have ‘stayed home’ from this journey for the world on a drumstick lolly stick! I cannot tell you the difference it has made to my life to start living from a place of authenticity, purpose, passion and joy. And you can do the same. You owe it to yourself. If I can help or support you in any way, let me know – the main way I can do this is by coaching you. Want s ome coaching with DonnaOnTheBeach? E-mail me know and let’s set a time to have a chat about it.

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