Monday, March 05, 2007

The answer is there

I asked a question this morning...what do I need to be focusing on today? Then I had a conversation with a friend who answered exactly that question...and listened to an audio which re-enforced this answer. To be clear, I didn't ask them the question...they just answered it in the course of a different conversation entirely! (the answer incidentally is to be focusing on the bigger picture of the business (and life) that I want...not just on one element.)

I love it when that happens - it doesn't sound too complicated, it was an answer that I knew...and yet, I needed to be reminded of the importance of this seemingly simple concept. It felt like an epiphany! And I felt enormously thankful for the guidance - I am quite capable of wandering aimlessly in the fog given half a chance - it was nice that someone(s) held up a torch.

What question do you want an answer to? Ask. And be alert for the could come from the most surprising place.



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