Thursday, May 17, 2007

1000 moments of joy

I had a very random thought this morning, about creating a list/e-book/something of 1000 moments of joy. You know, like seeing the sun come out from behind the clouds; that inappropriate thought in the swimming pool (good job my blushes are under water!); the view of an empty, open road to drive on; the excitement of a dog when she sees the lead or a squeaky toy; snuggling back down for a lie in on a wet wednesday; the lights going down at a gig; a favourite song on the radio; meeting an old friend; belly laughs; being able to drive your car after 3 days with a flat tyre; that friday feeling; falling in love; falling in lust...and the list goes on.

Why would I want to create this list? Well, the very cool thing about memories of moments of joy is that as you remember them, you can feel them again. Another item on the list: the joy of remembered joy! Ultimately, I want to create this list for me...and other people might enjoy it. I suspect what they'd enjoy more is the joy of creating their own list.

So, here's your homework: 1000 moments of joy for you. I would love to hear what some of them are, so do comment.



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