Monday, May 21, 2007

A Maturity of Emotion

As a single woman, I sometimes forget the extraordinary highs and lows that come with relationship. I had an interesting reminder this weekend - going from glowing to green in 3 days flat. I ran the gamut of emotion - joy, passion, love, fear, insecurity and lastly, jealousy. For the first time ever, I have been able to observe my emotions rather objectively and enjoy them for what they are.

What is that? Distractions, but not realities. What normally happens when you feel an emotion? Do you lose yourself entirely in it? Do you relive it? Do you intensify it? Does it define what kind of a day you have? Here's an example of what I used to do: feeling love...hold back a bit, not give myself over to it, keep myself 'real', question it; feeling insecure...revel in that feeling, intensify it, allow it to take over my day, relive the 'film' of the event that prompted the feeling.

An interesting way to do it don't you think? Minimise the good feelings and maximise the bad - that way I won't get hurt. Anyone else spotting the flaw in my logic? Yep, that's it - that way I don't really get to enjoy any of it! I am happy to report that things are changing - I am reveling in the good stuff and minimising the bad. Given this weekend's events I could EASILY have done the opposite. But why would I want to do that?

My challenge to you this week is 3-fold:
  1. notice the emotions you are feeling
  2. Notice if they feel good or bad
  3. If they feel good, intensify...if they feel bad, minimise

Here's my top tip for minimising the bad ones: see the funny side. Here's to revelling in the highs of emotion.



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