Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Virgins and Nakedness

The last 24 hours has seen me open-mouthed in horror at the 'help' given to the desperate virgins, and equally open mouthed in admiration at the magnificent Gok Wan in how to look good naked. Here's what disturbed me: not allowing someone to be themselves and for that to be ok. A virgin? So what! We can be so judgemental at times - me included. I started to watch the desperate virgins with a smirk...and ended it by either wanting to help and encourage them and build their confidence, OR really pleased for them that they had done the deed!

Contrast the unhelpful 'advice' given in desperate virgins (not all of it, some of the people were really helpful...and some of them were destroying confidence rather than building it) with the wonderfully confidence building 'advice' of Gok Wan. What's the difference? GW is looking for the beauty in someone, and showing them their beauty...and building their confidence. I just caught up with the last episode, and was in tears of joy at the end.

To see someone looking so confident, so compelling, so attractive, so sparkling and so beautiful in such a short time was so heart-warming. For the less body confident amongst us (and for the less body confident days we have!), I quote Gok Wan "Stop judging and start enjoying your body". Male, female, virgin or hugely experienced - pin that quote to your mirror!

And your mission for this week - to see the beauty in someone you know, and show them their beauty...especially if that someone is you.

You are beautiful.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here, here!