Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Knowing What You Want

In my newsletters, I ask 'What do you Want?' and 'What stops you?' I had a question "What if I don't know what I want?" from Tiziana of I wanted to share my response to this as it is a GREAT question, and I think is relevant to a lot of people. (and if you DO know what you want, skip to the enthusiasm question toward the end).

It is very true that what stops people from having what they want is that they don’t know what they want! This is actually a fabulous place to be, because you get to play with what you might want and have some fun finding out what it is you want in your life. Do you know what you want? No?

How do you find out? Here’s a few questions to stimulate your thinking:
¯ What do you definitely NOT want? What is the positive opposite of that?
¯ What makes you happy?
¯ If your life made you go ‘wow’, what would it look like?
¯ What sort of things might you want?
¯ If no one was looking, what would you want?
¯ If there were no obstacles to overcome, what would you want?
¯ If you could wave a magic wand, what would you wish for first? And second?
¯ What goals have you had in the past? What goals do you have now?
¯ What’s your ‘secret’ want?
¯ What would you want if you didn’t have to figure out how to get it?

Set aside some time to play with these questions…note down any ideas that come to you – don’t censor anything, and let the ideas range across your life from the sublime to the ridiculous! Once you have brain dumped everything, look again and see what your level of enthusiasm is for each one. Any less than a 7, park for now. Any at a 7, what would make it an 8? Any at 8-10, what’s the first step?! (if they’re all less than a 7, go back to the questions and this time, really allow yourself to DREAM BIG!)

I hope that helps you to get clear on what you want – I would love to hear what you come up with. And if anyone would like any one to one help with this, let me know.



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