Friday, July 20, 2007

Do You Want To?

Interesting question isn't it? Do you want to? How often do you ask yourself this? I ask myself if I want to A LOT. It normally explains why I'm procrastinating or endlessly debating whether to do something or not. Take this morning and my dance class - shall I or shan't I? I woke up with this question in mind. Shall I or shan't I? Well, I've got lots to do here, but I really enjoy it. I don't know if I feel like it but I know it's a laugh. I could do something else instead but I love my dance class.

And ultimately: Do I want to? NO! If I did, I wouldn't be wondering whether or not to go! I'd be getting ready to go. Despite the fact that I love my dance class, it's fun, I have a laugh, I like to see my friends there, I enjoy it, and it helps me get fit ...I didn't want to go! No particular reason, just didn't want to. And I'm glad I didn't go, because I got to do some other stuff that I wouldn't have got to otherwise.

I know sometimes it's not much of a choice, but at least ask the question. For example, do I want to go to work today? NO. Do I want to go to work any day? NO. I have to go to work...but that answer tells me I need to find something else to do with my days. That's a real conversation I had with myself 8 years ago...and again 4 years ago. See, you can 'make' yourself do anything - go to a job you hate, be with a partner you don't love, go to a dance class...

...but why do that if you don't want to?




Christina Rolle said...

Hi Donna,

it´s true, I ask myself often do I want to? Unfortunately most of the time I have to no matter if I want to do something or not.

The problem is to find something valuable to do instead, because I have a ad consience when I procrastinate.

If it is not too personal, may I ask you, what happend 4 years ago?


DonnaOnTheBeach said...

Hi Christina

First of all thanks for your comment - you inspired this week's OnTheBeach newsletter! I wonder if you are remembering that you make a choice? (It may be between homelessness and work...but it's still a choice!) The more you ask the question, the more you will do things you want to do, and the better life will get.

Hmm...who said you have to be doing something 'valuable' all the time? And what is valuable? Could rest, relaxation, chill out time be the most valuable thing you could do with your time?

You may...I was working full time in a job I hated, while building my business in my spare time. I knew it wasn't what I wanted to I quit, had Christmas off and found another (temporary) job which was a bit better...then I did what I really wanted to do all along and launched my business full time.

