Thursday, July 05, 2007

Don't let the Rain get you down

I’ve noticed something surprising this week – It’s been raining for about a month, and I am not getting depressed when I see another rainy sky.  It’s most curious.  I am normally a very ‘weather affected’ person.


I think, finally, I have stopped letting things beyond my control get me down (although, put an old dear in an 07 reg car pootling along in front of me when I can’t overtake, and that will be put to the test!).  I can’t choose the weather…but I can choose how I react to it.  I can be miserable because it’s pishing down and has been for weeks, or I can make the best of things.


A great way to do this is to be grateful.  Grateful that the grass can grow, that my house isn’t flooded, that I haven’t been washed away in flood water, that we won’t get a hosepipe ban (surely!), that I have my health, that I have had some comedy moments in the rain…


Ultimately, it will rain whether or not you are fed up about it…so why bother?  Let the sky cry, while you grin cheerfully back.





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