Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Never say Never (or Always)

I had an interesting conversation with a client recently, where they stated emphatically that they were always one thing and never another. With a little more questioning, they revealed that wasn't quite true, occassionally they were the opposite - in fact they could think of several situations where they were not what they always are! Never and always are interesting words...and usually lies! I am always cheerful...except when I'm not. I'm always right...except when I'm not. I'm always easy going, except when I am a tyrant!

My friend noted the other day that I never say a bad word about anyone (she hasn't been in the car with me when I'm behind a slow driver lately!). Never and always are words that will catch you out - sod's law states that the second you say you never get ill, you will get ill! No one likes to be wrong, so just never say never...and never say always either. Because ultimately, you don't know what tomorrow will bring...and I like surprises!



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