Friday, July 27, 2007

Goodbye Jackie

Yesterday I was at a funeral for a family friend. Death and funerals really test my ability to see the bright side, and bring up all my reactions to this optimistic shit! There's nothing bloody good about it!

But of course, there is. I would much rather there hadn't been a funeral...but there was, so I looked deep for the silver lining in this particular cloud. There were well over 100 people there, all who loved Jackie and wanted to be there to express that. It brought together people who had not seen each other for years, and I got to spend a day with family and friends.

It would be nice if it had been in better circumstances, but nevertheless I am grateful for the opportunity to have family friends look at me askance, telling me they remember me as 'a little blonde girl'. I am grateful for the chance to meet the kids while they are still little and giggly. And I am grateful I knew Jackie and have memories of her that make me smile.

I hope her eccentricity goes with her wherever she's gone.



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