Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Happy 200th post!

Well, I was on my way into my account, wondering what the heck I would write about today when I spotted the interesting statistic '199 posts'. Meaning, that this baby is the 200th. How the dickens did that happen?! Especially as number 100 slipped past without me even noticing. Now, as I write on a few blogs, publish a couple of newsletters, and seem to write quite a lot, I often get asked 'how' to write.

Simple. Write. Looking back at some of the things I have written over the past year, I can say I have written some bilge! I have also written some really good stuff, which has been fun for me, and useful for readers. Whether it's bilge or brilliance, the key is to do it and keep doing it. The same applies to anything you want to do - you can't climb a mountain in one huge bound, you must take it one step at a time.

One action at a time will take you inexorably towards the life that you want. One at a time, until suddenly there are 200...and you are better at taking action, because you do it all the time. With the writing example, my articles are better now than they were when I first starting writing 3 years ago, and in another 3 years, I will be a better writer still...not because I sit around wishing I wrote better, but because I write.

What do you wish you could do...that you just don't do?! And might today be the time to start, so this time next year you can say 'blimey, look how far I've come?'




Christina Rolle said...

Hi Donna,

I had to laugh when I read your post. It could have been me who asked "how?"

I always try to find something interesting and the right words, but it is much easier not to care if it is good enough, but do it anyway.

Thank´s for giving me hope!



DonnaOnTheBeach said...

And I have to admit that sometimes I spend ages agonising over whether to post something or not...It doens't help! Some of the things that I thought were total rubbish were well received by readers...you just never can tell!

Keep writing!

